Meta Description Overview

What is a Meta Description?

The meta description is a brief summary of a web page. Search engines such as Google display meta descriptions in search results typically found under the page title and or website URL. Meta description is typically up to 160 characters.

Overall, meta descriptions should be short, to the point and an accurate depiction of what the website page content offers.

Increase Click-Through Performance

Although meta description tags are not tied to search engine rankings, they are however vital to gaining user click-through. Searchers get a better understanding of page content before clicking-through. Use the keywords that the page is targeting.

SEO Practices

To maximize click-through rates on search engine result pages, it’s important to note that Google and other search engines bold keywords in the description when they match search quires. This bold text can draw the eyes of searchers.

Additionally, meta description tags are also used on social media sites like Facebook. When a page is shared the meta description appears below the page title. Remember to keep descriptions to the point and accurate.

Apply Meta Description Tag

Learn how to apply meta description to each page on your React website.

Click here to get step-by-step instructions